Python: Basic Text Input and Output Operators

The very first text operations and basic information about Python that helps you start programming right away:

# Comments

Delimiters ” or “” and escaping characters ’ and ”

print(‘Hello world’) – newline

end=’…’ – next print will be glued

escape sequences:

a – system speaker

n – newline (empty line)

t – tab type indent

+ string concatenation without delimiter

* repeat lines without delimiter

continuation of a line of code on the next line

input(‘Press Enter to exit’)

Basic mathematical operators (+,-,*,/,//,%).

Compound assignment statements

String methods (applied to a string with text): I am cat

.upper() I Am CAT

.lower() i am cat

.title() I Am Cat

.replace(old,new,max number of replacements) replaces the old text with the new one

.swapcase() reverse case i Am Cat

.capitalize() the first letter is capital, the rest are lowercase I am cat

.strip() string without intervals Iamcat