Best plugin for youtube output in WordPress – Youtube Channel Gallery

Long searched for a suitable plugin to display video from youtube on the site with the engine WordPress. There are a lot of options. And most of them are paid. Prices range from $10 to $200, and the quality and capabilities of plugins are often very poor.


As a result, I found a FREE plugin for video output 🙂 Saving your time, it’s called Youtube Channel Gallery by Javier Gomez Pose.


This plugin can output video from multiple channels. Its functionality is wider than that of similar plugins.


How to use it:

  1. install the plugin
  2. add anywhere via “text” a construction of the form

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery user="googledevelopers" key="your_Google_API_key" maxitems="16" thumb_columns_tablets="4" title="1"]

where in the user field insert the id of your channel, and in the key field insert the API goolge key (taken here). There are also a bunch of other output options, details in the description of the plugin in wordpress repository.


You can add as many constructs as you want, i.e. output as many channels as you want.