Спрятать автора постов WordPress

По дефолту неумный ворлдресс светит логин пользователя в URL автора каждого поста. Чтобы это убрать: в дочерней теме, в файле functions.php пихаем: Читать

[solution] WordPress: css template editing problem

Funny thing – when you edit wordpress templates ccs (and other CMS) in Google Chrome – often the cache glitches, and as a result, when you refresh the page changes are not visible. I did not understand what’s wrong until I refreshed the page cache (Ctrl+F5).


In other browsers (fox, for instance) it’s OK; knows when to refresh what. By the way, chrome glitches permanently in terms of caching – it can be seen in YouTube, where the bar “… begins live broadcasting” is often lit on old videos, although there is no broadcast. I wrote to google support about a year ago – they know about the problem, but so far they are not scratching.

Smileys in WordPress: a guide to remembering codes


Memo for remembering WordPress emoticons

Faced with the need to put graphical emoticons in WordPress instead of the beloved brackets (brackets.com does not approve!).


Graphic emoticons are very fruitful for the site’s position in search engines, while symbols confuse unfortunate googlesiders and other search fiends.


Of course, the excessive use of graphics, your site is in danger of becoming a Christmas tree, so do not persist. Another way – use a verbal expression of emotion hehe, but I prefer emoticons 😀


In general, not to suffer, prepared a table of characters, which can be printed out and used as a memo.


UPD: for newbies – to save the picture: PKM (right-click) on the picture and “save picture as… 😉

[решение] WordPress: проблема с редактированием css шаблона

Забавная штука – когда редактируешь ccs шаблонов wordpress (да и других CMS) в Google Chrome – часто глючит кэш; в итоге, при обновлении страницы внесенные изменения не видны. Я долго не врубался в чем дело, пока не допер обновить кэш страницы (Ctrl+F5).

В других браузерах (лиса, к примеру) все ок; знает, когда-что обновлять. Кстати, хром глючит в плане кэширования перманентно – это видно на ютубе, где часто на старых видосах горит плашка “… начинает прямую трансляцию”, хотя никакой трансляции нет. Писал в саппорт гугла где-то год назад – знают о проблеме, но пока не чешутся.

Remove Category Archives or Category Archive in the WordPress archive

Also often encountered a problem faced by novice users of WordPress – How to remove the Category Archives at the top of the page? In the Russian version, this inscription sounds like “Archive for category”; and in some versions / templates, this line in WordPress can be as follows: Archive for category.


In general, no matter what the string, the treatment is simple:
