MotherLand (
Our goal is transparent, clear and simple;
and should therefore be clear to all:
to restore to mankind their common home — the Planet Earth
This purpose did not appear all of a sudden, it is not an intellectual game or fantasy of reason, being ill with gigantomania.
Association of mankind in the Unified world state on the Planet Earth ( — is a dictate of time, our unique way to the rescue from an inevitable apocalypse, the opportunity to change dramatically, and face civilization process to Person and create a society free from problems which are corrupting it now. (
The dream of mankind about the world free from violence, hunger, poverty and diseases — is not utopia, but only one of the options for our future development. This option can quickly become a reality if we spare our mind from the usual (but not true) stereotypes of thinking. It is not difficult to do it. To make it happen, we need to see the world and its problems not in the way they show us, but as it really is. And to understand that a unique world is the only place suitable for a happy life.
We were able to do this.
Thousands of people were able to do this.
Hundreds of thousands of people are doing this.
As soon as millions do it — the world this will change.
Let’s do it together. (
Why is this going to happen?
Because the presence of 256 (states on our planet 192 of which are members of the UN) has already become an anachronism, a hindrance of progress, and even a threat to the very existence of mankind.
The First States appeared about 5 thousand years ago, and even now their existence seems to us an essential attribute of civilization. However, even now there is no the single definition of state for all inhabitance of the Earth. (
P.S. Еще интересненькое. А чем вы сегодня будете заниматься вечером? Может посмотреть классный фильм? Могу предложить, это Фильм 2012, и очень интересная тема, как ученый неожиданно открывает «врата» в параллельный мир и устанавливает контакт со своим «двойником, — здесь этот фильм.
Давно я ищу мебель для своей новой квартиры, и совсем запуталась в предложениях, и мне друзья посоветовали каталог мебели. Вы знаете, мне такого не предлагали. Я осталась очень довольна от выбора.